
Journal musings and insights from within the WEFT STUDIO + ATELIER.

Air rising

Invisible forces and their tensions and intentions.

Their boundaries, unstable.

Individually and collectively, they relay patterns, taking on new qualities.

In this piece we take the sketchbook play of fragile circles and transfer them to hard stone. As part of this transformation the idea of bubbles becomes solid and sculptural. This is very much how we imagine location informing ideas translated by personal perception.

Modernism has always been here.
#action project (2023)
pencil drawing, sand, stone, tide, sound

art assistant: Amelia Rogers

Overlapping thoughts

Repetitive thoughts are encroaching.

Yet using repetition can be meditative.

Nature uses repetition to build. The parts connecting to the sum. A tapestry emerges.

Forests of seaweed becomes ecosystems. Within repetition we thrive.

Meditations in repetition.
#action project (2023)
pencil drawing, sand, animal, tide, sound

art assistant: Amelia Rogers

Lines. Drawn.

Continuing the project of transforming sketchbook play into an action, and vice versa, we explore the tyranny of the line.

From boundaries to rails, routes to directions, the line can come to represent many things. As humans we believe we invented the line as a form of rule.

We are not the only makers

We are not the only rulers..

Lines, drawn.
#action project (2023)
pencil drawing, sand, animal, tide, sound

art assistant: Amelia Rogers

Ever increasing

Bringing to life sketchbook play into the 3D realm can take on many forms.

Here we transcribe rough, impetuous circles, almost idle in their creation, into something more earthbound. Almost ancient.

By pairing the immovable with the untameable, we create tension and drama where, previously, there was none.

Adding the sonic soundscape we create a captivation. And, we create questions.

How will the thought (the idea) survive the element (the increasing tide) ? An element that has no boundaries. When will one (time) overcome the other (space) ?

Here is a short video of that moment of intention and tension.

#action project (2023)
pencil drawing, sand, wood, waves, sound

art assistant: Amelia Rogers